Alla Osypenko

City: West Chester

State: PA


  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed

Basic obidience and troubleshooting: leash pulling, jumping, biting/nipping, bad in-home manners, excessive barking.
Puppy consulting and puppy manners: let's teach the puppy what is correct behavior from the very beginning!
Nose work of any kind (SAR, lost articles, etc): it's fun and it's a real work!
Fun games and tricks : certiefied by "Do more with your dog!".
Service and therapy dog training: working and training in public places, helping to prepare for specific tests and certifications.

I have more than 20 years of training expirience in Europe and 5 years in USA. I prefer to use positive methods of training. I am an active SAR team member and know how to make the dog work with pleasure and happiness. No matter what we do, you and your dog will be happy.