Debra A. Monroe

City: Rochester

State: MI


  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed

As a CPDT-KA, Truly Dog Friendly Member and proud member of the Pet Professional Guild I subscribe to the code set forth by the Pet Professional Guild ( ) which is the understanding that force-free means no shock, no pain, no choke, no fear and no physical force. No compulsion based methods are employed to train your pet.

I exclusively work with families and pets in the owner's home. I do not discount the attendance at training centers, however I do find that when problem solving is needed it is much easier for a client to transfer learning while working in the setting where they live vs. get instruction from the outside and have to figure out how that advice fits the physical situation in the home. For some dogs group training can be stressful and they are more successful learning in the comfort of a familiarity of home.