Heather M. James

City: Portland

State: OR


  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed

Sure, we’re dog trainers, but more than that, we’re people trainers, showing you how to get the best out of your life with your dog. It’s dog training that’s beyond obedience. It’s about setting you and your dog up for success and helping you build a relationship with your dog. We call it, “Positive methods. Rewarding Results.” After all, having a dog is supposed to be fun!

Conveniently located just off NE Glisan on 28th Avenue, we offer classes ranging from Puppy and Beginning levels to intermediate choices like Action & Distraction, Games & Tricks and our seasonal Out-on-the-Town.

So if you’re looking for a dog training class, or need one-on-one help with a private dog trainer, give us a call today at 503.731.8774.