Silke Wittig

Silke Wittig's photo

City: Brownsville

State: OR


  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge & Skills Assessed

K9 Nose Work® - scent detection for pet dogs

Looking for a quick, easy and fun activity to tire your dog out? Does your dog need a job? Is your dog a "worrier", or does he bark and lunge at other dogs? Whether mutt or purebred, young or old, active or mellow, fearful or reactive, K9 Nose Work® may just be the solution for you!

K9 Nose Work® provides mental and physical exercise and builds a dog's confidence and focus. In return, you will learn more about your dog and admire his superior scenting skills at work. Enjoy a fun and "no pressure" activity together in a safe and controlled environment and develop an even stronger bond with your dog! Dogs are worked one at a time, and exercises are adapted to each handler/dog team. Our K9 Nose Work services are provided by a Certified Nose Work Instructor (CNWI).

Silke is the owner of HeRo Canine Consulting LLC. She currently focuses solely on K9 Nose Work - scent detection for pet dogs. She is a NACSW-approved Certified Nose Work Instructor (since 2011), Supervising Certifying Official and Judge and is also involved in various admin duties for the organization. Silke offers K9 Nose Work privates, group classes, coaching days, workshops and webinars.

For more information, go to or email Silke at