Abbey Kathleen Johnson


  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed

Did you just get a puppy? Do you have a dog? Did you just rescue a new companion and you do not know much about him/her? But, you do know that you need some help with training. Well, now that you have found Pawsitive Futures you are in good hands! We love dogs of all sizes, ages, and breeds. If you have them, we can train them!

There is a lot of information in books, on the internet, and on television telling you what you should and shouldn't do. How do you decide what is right? Rest assured, with Pawsitive Futures you don't need to! We've done the work for you by learning the best training methods and by staying up to date on new developments. Well, let us show you what we know and what works! Our team is educated and professionally certified who stay up to date on the most recent training methods and ideas. So, with Pawsitive Futures, you can relax knowing you're getting the best dog training in Atlanta.

But, what good are the certifications if the training doesn't work? Pawsitive Futures' methods are fast and effective. You will soon have an obedient and well-behaved dog and in the process, you'll have fun too!