Stephanie Renae Johnson

Stephanie Renae Johnson's photo

City: Jacksonville

State: FL


  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed

SJ Dog Training LLC offers private in person dog training and private virtual dog training. Offering puppy training and socialization, basic manners training, cooperative care training, behavior problem solutions, and more! All training plans are fully customized to meet the needs of each individual client and dog.

Stephanie has been training animals professionally since 2015. Her training career started with three California sea lions and an African fish eagle at a zoo and aquarium accredited by the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums and the Zoological Association of America. The highlight of her time with the sea lions included being part of the birth, successful hand raising, and training of the first marine mammal ever to be born in the state of Arizona! When she left to move to Florida the sea lion family had grown to five sea lions with a sixth on the way.

After moving to Florida, Stephanie spent time caring for and training Atlantic bottlenose dolphins. She then transitioned to training service dogs for veterans with PTSD, TBI, and MST. Being part of a military family herself, Stephanie loved being able to give back and help veterans who have sacrificed so much for us.

Stephanie is excited to bring the experience she has gained from training multiple species to guardians and their dogs. Her goal is to help you build a better relationship with your dog by helping you understand behavior and helping you learn how to communicate and train your dog effectively using positive reinforcement.

Stephanie takes her professional development and continuing education very seriously. She is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA) through the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers. She has a Bachelor's degree in Biology with an emphasis in Animal Biology. She has completed the Aggression in Dogs Master Course by world renowned aggression expert Michael Shikashio. She is a Professional Level Member of the International Marine Animal Trainers Association. She attends Karen Pryor Academy’s Clicker Expo every year along with attending and studying other books, seminars, lectures, discussion groups, and materials from top animal trainers around the world.