Inga From

City: Minneapolis

State: MN


  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge & Skills Assessed

Offers Positive Training for dog owners and their dogs. Certified Dog Behavior Consultant- IAABC. Association of Pet Dog Trainer's National award winner. Positive Training based on the LIMA (Least Invasive Minimally Aversive) principle. Professional Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. Inga specializes in shelter/rescue dogs. She has worked in shelter settings for over 10 years. Five of those years were spent at a local humane society where she served as the expert for the shelter in behavior and training. Inga Offers: Animal Shelter/Rescue Consultant for Behavior and Training, Implementing New Programs and Staff Training. Private In-Home Training Positive Dog Training Group Classes and Seminars Field Sports for the Family Dog - Host your own event Corporate and Non-Profit Team Building with Dogs Consultant for Finding Your Next Canine "Train with your Brain, Not Pain"