Joann Crogan Rechtine
City: Black Mountain
State: NC
- Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed
The Loose Leash Academy offers separation anxiety training for dog owners in Asheville, North Carolina, and around the world.
As a Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer with over 20 years in the dog training industry helping dog owners and professionals, Joann’s goal is to help dogs suffering with separation anxiety to recover while allowing dog owners to finally get their lives back.
In addition to her work as a separation anxiety specialist, Joann is certified through the Certification Council for Professional dog Trainers (CPDT-KA), a certified Family Dog Mediator, and a Fear FreeTM Certified Trainer. Initially receiving her formal education in dog training from world-renowned trainer Turid Rugaas’ International Dog Training Program - making Joann one of twelve US-based dog trainers to have received an International Certification in Dog Training.
A keen student of animal behavior with a commitment to ethical and humane training, Joann is constantly learning new ways of making the client’s lives more enjoyable with their dogs using only the most effective and scientifically valid methods.