James W. Crosby M.S.

City: Jacksonville

State: FL


  • Certified Behavior Consultant Canine - Knowledge Assessed

Canine Aggression Consulting LLC. Dr. James Crosby M.S., PhD., CBCC-KA, is a retired Police Lieutenant (Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, Jacksonville, FL) and has professionally trained dogs, taught individual and group obedience classes, and addressed canine behavior problems since 1999. He served as Division Management Consultant of Jacksonville Animal Care and Protective Services, the municipal agency responsible for rescue and adoption needs, investigation of animal cruelty, animal fighting, and regulation of Dangerous Dogs for the 964 square miles and nearly 1 million residents of Jacksonville.

Holding a Master of Science in Veterinary Forensic Medicine and a PhD in Veterinary Medical Science, Dr. Crosby is recognized in and out of Court as an expert in the US and Canada on Dangerous Dogs, canine aggression, fatal dog attacks, and related issues. He has personally investigated over 30 fatal dog attacks on humans and, has post-attack, evaluating over 50 dogs that have attacked and killed humans.

Dr. Crosby teaches safe handling and rehabilitation of Dangerous Dogs and Investigation of Fatal and Serious Dog Attacks to police, animal control agencies, and others across the US and Canada. He has been instrumental in a number of successful prosecutions focused on dog related fatalities. Dr. Crosby continues to present training seminars internationally in Italy, Canada, the UK, Warsaw, Poland, in Australia, where he was project Chair for revamping and improving Animal Services for the Australian Capital Territory. During the Fall of 2023 he will be presenting training internationally in Liverpool, England, Dublin, Ireland and Gold Coast Australia. Domestically he will be presenting training in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and South Carolina. Dr. Crosby also maintains on-line training offerings through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants.