Emily Quiles

City: Manhattan
State: KS
- Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed
Being a Dog Parent is the best thing EVER!
There’s no joy quite like…
Seeing their nose inches from your face when you wake up every morning.
Seeing them be an absolute goofball and laughing at them until your stomach hurts.
Seeing them try new things and become confident.
Your dog is the BEST dog on earth.
Even if they jump on people when they come over.
Even when they pull on the leash and lunge at other dogs.
Even when they bark at absolutely nothing and scare your soul out of your body.
They’re still your best friend.
Whether they have behavior issues or if they’re perfect angels…
Every dog should be trained!
That’s right…even the “good ones”.
✨ Imagine taking your dog on an outing with your friends and everyone raves about how well behaved they are.
✨Imagine getting to take your dog everywhere with you.
✨ Imagine coming home from a long day to see her sweet face waiting for you with all four feet on the floor.
✨ Imagine a confident and happy dog in all situations…even the unexpected ones.
✨ Imagine being the envy of all other dog moms.
Okay, now imagine all of THAT….but having it be “Common Scents Simple”.
We KNOW you want to do this right.
There’s a million different training methods these days.
It can be hard to choose what’s best for your dog.
The trainers you’ve looked into are great with dogs, but they don’t set you up to succeed at home.
When you understand HOW and WHY an animal thinks and learns, it’s easier for you to recognize:
- triggers
- behaviors
- body language
So you can meet your dog where they’re at.
And set them up to be successful.
Common Scents Dog Training teaches you:
- How dogs learn.
- How dogs think.
- How to read subtle dog body language.
- How to advocate for your dog.
- How to speak their language so they actually listen to you.