Cindy Ogden Knowlton

City: Millersville

State: MD


  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed

Our convenient day time and evening classes and private lessons support the physical and emotional balance within the dog, and promote connection between human and canine. You’ll find your experience to be

SAFE: Starting a new class can be awkward and uncomfortable. We strive to make you and your dog feel welcome and supported throughout your experience at See Spot Grin, and that makes learning easy.

HUMANE: There’s no reason to use force, fear or pain to train a dog. Our humane methods will keep you and your dog eager to learn, and help you
develop the healthy relationship you’re looking for.

THOUGHTFUL: A thinking dog is an attentive one, and we’ve put great thought into the skills you and your dog will learn to make it so. Our small classes allow for the customized training and personalized attention you deserve.

FUN: We take training serious, and have a seriously good time doing it. Take the stress out of learning. Come join us!