Michelle C. Yue

City: Washington
State: DC
- Certified Behavior Consultant Canine - Knowledge Assessed
Michelle Yue brings 17 years of experience training puppies, rescues, and breeder dogs.
She enjoys obedience training; helping with common behavior issues such as ✅ jumping and ✅ potty training; as well as working with behavior cases, such as ✅ leash reactivity, ✅ aggression, ✅ anxiety, and ✅ fear.
She also brings specific experience with ✅ bringing a baby into the picture, and ✅ living in a family with children and dogs. Through Savvy City Dog, Michelle works with clients around the world - providing training help via 🎙the Savvy City Dog podcast, 🖥 online training courses, and virtual lessons.
She also enjoys working with select clients 🐕 in-person in the Washington, DC area. ------------------ ➡️ Michelle would love to help you and your dog as well. Please reach out to her via the website at savvycitydog.com (link above) or email her directly at michelle@savvycitydog.com. She looks forward to hearing from you!