Debra E. Moody

City: Santa Fe
State: NM
- Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed
Faithful Friends Dog Training is dedicated to helping you help your dog! Through fun, motivational, reward-based training, Faithful Friends will give you the communication tools to show your dog what you?d like him to do, rather than focusing on what he may be doing ?wrong?. He doesn?t speak English and you don?t speak Doglish! Good habits are formed and maintained when they are rewarded and positively reinforced; inappropriate behaviors and bad habits can be avoided with realistic prevention and management techniques and a better understanding of how your dog learns. By providing convenient in-home training and group classes, Debra helps clients create solutions to fit their needs and busy schedules. She stays up-to-date with current training methods and practices by attending workshops, conferences, and seminars both locally and nationally. Debra teaches group classes at her training studio and also offers convenient, in-home training and behavioral assessments. Debra Moody, B.A., ABCDT, CPDT-KA, is a graduate and certified dog trainer of Animal Behavior College; a certified professional dog trainer-knowledge assessed by the independent Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers; an authorized Animal Behavior College mentor trainer; a professional member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers; an AKC Canine Good Citizen? evaluator; a professional member of Behavior Education Network; a full member dog training professional of The Pet Professional Guild; and a certificate of excellence recipient from?Living and Learning with Animals _ The Science of Behavior Change? with Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.