Bradley K. Waggoner

City: Murphy

State: NC


  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed

Cold Nose Col_lege is a 3,500-square-feet dog train_ing and education cen_ter in Mur_phy, North Car_olina. We are the only facil_ity of our kind within a hun_dred miles?offering you and your dog mul_ti_ple ser_vices under one roof amid the forests and mead_ows of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Our ser_vices include: Dog train_ing, puppy train_ing, behav_ior mod_i_fi_ca_tion, dog obe_di_ence classes, dog sports classes, dog walk_ing ser_vices, dog train_ing week_end work_shops, pro_fes_sional instruc_tor edu_ca_tion for dog train_ers, and dog walk_ing certification.